Everyone is aware of wine and food pairings, i mean shit, there's even a book "what to eat with what you drink". Wine is pretty awesome, but what if its not your jam, or all you have is a slobbered on bottle of tequila?
At the moment, my flavor of the week(s) is Milagro Reposado, and id been craving mango, coconut, chocolate, won tons, and avocado. Yes, random mix, but one cant help what they crave. needless to say, ive also been craving tequila. thus follows my milagro inspired madness: mango cream pie with crispy sugared won-ton and chocomole.
get you some:
1c sugar
1/2c flour
pinch o' salt
3c (you need 2 cans) coconut milk
5-7 egg yolks/3/4c soy yogurt mixed with 2T egg replacer
mango (1, fresh, shred that bitch)
splish splash o' vanilla or guts of 1 bean
1/4c buttah/earth balance
4-6oz chocolate
leftover coconut milk
your oldest mushiest avocado
~1/4c brown suggah
won ton wrappers
enough oil to fill you up a skillet
for the pie you wanna:
-in a saucepan, flour thru salt, slowly whisk in the coconut milk over medium heat. KEEP WHISKIN! i kno it may look soupy, but the flour will thicken and scorch if youre not vigilant. once its thick like pudding, turn your heat off.
-whisk up you egg/vegan egg... vegg... hahaha... of choice. add one cup of the coconut milk jazz to the egg/vegg jazz, and then add that back to the coco milk jazz. whisk over medium heat about 3 minutes or so.
-add shreddy mango (strain the juice off first) vanilla and buttah/vuttah, and IMMEDIATELY pour into souffle cups or tiny bowls, or if youre a bastard ripping off my idea into a store bought pie crust bc youre a lazy fuck. (joking! <3)
-chill out! the top shelf of the fridge is best so it wont raise the temp too much.
for the chocomole:
-in a small saucepan, toss in your chopped chocolate and just enough coconut milk so the chocolate is not swimming. LOW heat.
-break down your avo and throw it in a blender. if its super mushy you can throw it in as is, but if its a bit younger you want to chop it up a bit. shake some cinnamon in, and add sugar. once the choco-coco mix is melty, add that too the blender party.
-pulse a few times to blend a bit, then on a low speed slowly add coconut milk until you have a smooth consistency. TASTE! add sugar or more coconut milk depending on your preference.
for won-tonery:
-heat up some canola (NOT OLIVE OIL DUH) or safflower oil in a skillet, fry your won tons, i like to cut them in fun pointy shapes first. once crispy and brown place on a paper towled plate and sprinkle some sugar on them.
-once pies are cool and firmed up, stick a few won tons in your pie, and add a hearty helping of chocomole.
-pour you a shot of milagro reposado
-sip, bite, sip, munch, repeat.
<3 with love from sakura.
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